Public Comment Form

Kamehameha Schools - Keauhou Bay Managment Plan DEIS

Kamehameha Schools proposes to implement the Keauhou Bay Management Plan (KBMP) on approximately 29 acres at Keauhou Bay. The objective of the KBMP is to reinvigorate and transform the Keauhou Bay area to become a place where culture and education is celebrated and highlighted amidst viable commercial operations, which are essential to fund the cultural and educational programming within the immediate area. The KBMP proposes to reorient commercial activities away from culturally sensitive areas to alleviate congestion and establish a new place-based cultural educational center. Existing commercial operations and parking areas will be relocated to new facilities in more appropriate locations away from cultural resources. The KBMP also proposes to create a new low-impact lodging on the resort-zoned plateau mauka of the bay. The new reconfiguration will focus on place-based cultural stewardship, enhance and encourage bayfront access for kamaʻāina and kupaʻāina, and promote high quality educational experiences for all. As the proposed KBMP is located within the shoreline area (as defined in Hawai‘i Revised Statutes section 205A-41), a County Special Management Area (SMA) Use Permit is required. The SMA Use Permit application requires that Kamehameha Schools complete the State Environmental Review Process, commencing with the preparation and review of an Environmental Impact Statement.  

Please see for more information.

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Your Comment

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a comprehensive report that evaluates the potential environmental effects of a proposed project or action. Its primary purpose is to ensure informed decision-making by assessing the direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental impacts, exploring alternatives, and involving public participation. By providing detailed information on potential consequences and considering less harmful options, the EIS promotes transparency, public input, and compliance with environmental laws, ultimately aiming to balance development needs with environmental protection and sustainable practices. 

The Draft EIS was Published on June 23, 2024, marking the beginning of the public comment period. Once published, the public will have the opportunity to review and provide comments within a 45-day period. 

Making Your Comments Count: Helping Shape the EIS

We value your input and comments. Your perspectives are important for shaping the final decision-making process, although submitting comments does not equate to voting for or against the project. 

Below are some tips to help ensure your contributions are effective:
  • Familiarize yourself with the Draft EIS and related project documents before submitting your comments.
  • When providing feedback, focus on specific issues relevant to the content of the EIS.
  • Effective comments could include extra details that should be considered or corrections to the facts in the analysis. Provide specific information and sources.
  • Offering solution-oriented suggestions, backed by specific examples, can enhance the quality of feedback.

Clear, concise, thoughtful and relevant comments can impact changes in the final EIS and help decision-makers understand how the proposed action and its alternatives affect the environment. Your contributions are crucial to this process, and we appreciate your thoughtful participation. 

After the 45-day public comment period concludes, the project team will carefully review all received comments. The substantive comments received during this review period will be addressed, and written responses will be provided and incorporated into the Final EIS.

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You may attach up to five 20 MB files to accompany your submission. Allowed formats are pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, gif, doc, docx, xlsx, xls. If you experience technical difficulties submitting your comment please contact the person listed at the bottom of this page.

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